Monday, December 17, 2012

{{ Letter from Santa! }}

Zayne got his letter from Santa today! It is awesome to know he took time out of his busy schedule to sit down and write Zayne a letter back. Zayne now knows for sure he is on the Nice List, and that Santa REALLY is watching when him and his best friend Havyn play, (even though he spelled her name wrong in Zaynes letter--I blame the auto-correct of computers) so he knows to be a good kid ALL the time!

Thanks Santa for making this little boys day!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

{{ Date Night with Mommy }}

 Last week I took Zayne on a date! I picked him up right after i got out of school and took him down to the Riverwoods to see the lights. We stopped in at Courtney's work and go a pizza, Z snapped a few pictures, then we headed out to see the light and say hello to his good friend Santa.

Great picture taken by Z of mommy NOM-NOM-NOM-ing

 Big Christmas tree Z had to have his picture by... freakin' stud.

 Zayne and Mommy in front of green lights (because they are his favorite color-duh!)
Don't mind my face, I look like crud..

 Pre-Santa pictures... his was one excited dude

 Us just before his turn to see Santa

After visiting Santa we went into the toy store Bickenstaffs and looked around for a long time, I broke down and bought Zayne a gift (even though it is so close to Christmas), but he deserved something for being such a good kid. He chose handcuffs, wanted to be called Officer Laidler, and I was Officer Laidler, and Aunty was Officer Laidler--I told him that could make things difficult when being called somewhere. To end the night we went to the Rocky Mountain Candy place and bought chocolate covered Oreos... they were so good!

It was a very fun night, and I had a blast on my date with my 
#1 boy

:: Silly boy ::

 I am just in LOVE with this little guy. He is so funny and sometimes a little dorky (much like his momma), but even in his dorkiest moments he is still one handsome dude!

He 'needed' a picture with Simba and Nali (as he calls her) before school one morning
Side note: How handsome is he?!?!

 After his Thanksgiving Feast party at school....Look at that face! So funny!

 Guessing this is him holding a sword or something... who really knows?!

I just love his preschool he goes to and his teacher, Miss. Misti. She is so sweet and does so many fun things with the kids, Zayne LOVES her, and really loves going to school (except those occasional 'i didn't get enough sleep last night' mornings). I can't wait to see his Christmas play next week, believe me, pictures to come!

*** This boy LOVES snow! ***

On the first real snow of the season Zayne wanted out to play in it right away! He LOVES it! He will play out in it for hours if I let him. These pictures are from a few weeks back, but it snowed a ton yesterday and I took him out to play while I shoveled the driveway. After an hour and a half out there I had to MAKE him come inside! He was having a blast, which I love to see, but this momma got COLD! I guess I am just a wussie because I am not a big fan of cold and playing in the snow, but this little man is getting me to enjoy it more and play in it longer than i usually would..... Weird how kids make you do things you never though you would... I have said it before and say it again: 
Kids make life FUN again!

I LOVE his sock monkey hat, his Uncle has one just like it so Zayne thinks he is so cool in it... sometimes he even puts it on and walks around saying (in a mocking voice): "Oh hi, I am Uncle Ben. I eat big boy food. Ohhh I drive a car.." Freakin' funny.

:: Leaves ::

Just a few pictures of Zayne and his best friend Havyn playing in the leave a few weeks back

Saturday, November 3, 2012

:: HaLlOwEeN ::

 Lindon had a Halloween Eve party with games, hayrides, and the movie Great Pumkin Charley Brown... It was a blast. Before the movie started Zayne and Havyn were bustin' out moves.. They are so bad ass!

Halloween Night--Zayne was Batman...

 and I was creepy Game Day Garth...

 Forget carving...we painted pumpkins this year!

 Z making his hulk face by his hulk pumpkin..and Courtney in her weird shirt..

Monday, October 29, 2012

{{ Zayne turnes 4! Where has the time gone?! }}

 Welp it has happened! My tiny little baby boy is FOUR! I am amazed at how fast time has flown by since my ray of sunshine entered my world, and made everyday the best it could be. I am BEYOND blessed to have such a sweet, smart, funny, strong, loving, perfect son to call mine. He amazes me everyday with the things he does, and the funny things that come out of his mouth. Probably the proudest I have been recently is when he said "Up in the HIZZO!"... he is DEFINITELY my son! 

On his birthday I had school (BOOOO!), but my parents wanted to take him to see the new movie 'Hotel Transylvania', so I didn't feel as bummed out knowing that he was going to do something fun while I was at school. After I got home from school my mom and I went to a baby shower for a family friend; then we cam home and picked up Zayne, grandpa and uncle and headed to The Spaghetti Factory. Zayne ordered what he had been talking about wanting for his birthday dinner for 2 weeks....spaghetti and meatballs! They then sang to him and we came home to open presents and watch The Dark Knight (Zaynes movie choice), but about 30 min. into it Zayne was PASSED out, means he had a great birthday!

 Zayne right before opening his presents. He was able to open a present earlier since he was begging and is wearing it in this picture, a Curious George shirt! Thanks Grandma and Papa!

 Grandma and Papa got Zayne his own soccer ball and soccer net...which he LOVES!

 Tom & Jerry pajamas!

Hulk hands! 

He also got his own camera since he kept stealing mine! Figured I could buy him one and save mine from little kid destruction! 

He has grown up so much in the past year, I am anxious to see him grow this next year. 


{{ The 'Crews' 4th Birthday Party }}

 This year we had the usual group party in Sept. It was a good choice! It was a BEAUTIFUL (just like our cute kiddos!) warm day and all the kids had a blast. It was a simple party, we told the kiddo's 'go play on the playground' and that was about it except for some cool things Shauntelle brought for the kids to do, bubbles, chalk, and a VERY cool baking soda and colored vinegar coloring thing. It was a really fun day, hence why there aren't really a ton of pictures....
 Shauntelle with the kids doing bubbles... little kids LOVE bubbles

 We had Millie, Havyn and Zayne run races... I will end with that...

 A few pictures of the birthday kiddos before/during singing 'Happy Birthday' to them

 Then it was pinata time!
 After Kamdyn broke the pinata open!

 Present time, always a CRAZY time! 3 Kids, ripping open presents...was crazy as usual, so there are not pictures after they stared opening the first present!
 Love that Zayne has had such great friends for so long, and that they are so close in age/birthdays that we can do joint birthday parties!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

My name is Britni, and I am a slacker...

Oh my goodness! I always go blog stalking and get all annoyed when people haven't updated in forever. Then I go to see when the last time I posted was and am SUCH A SLACKER! I am sorry! I will update soon, with pictures of Zaynes birthday and other odds and ends.

This week I have 3 test so I am slightly overwhelmed. I spend the majority of my day studying... whoo hoo! It is all good though---as long as I don't bomb the test. Because if I do I will be pissed I wasted my whole Sunday studying just to fail!

Well so long, be back soon to fill you in on the amazing (not!) life of me and little man Z!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

{{ Lindon Days--Oh the FUN times }}

 Day 1:
First to kick of the MOST FAVORITE 'Days'... Lindon Days off we went with my friend Suzette and her daughters Lexy and Havyn (Zaynes best friend) to the music and movie in the park. It was really fun, they got frisbies and played around until it got dark enough to watch the movie "How to Train Your Dragon'. Super fun night and can't wait to go again next year!
Havyn and Zayne eating the FREE Popsicles they got
Beautiful night

Day 2:
Huck Finn! This was the first year Zayne did this and we were able to go with his best friend Havyn and my friend Suzette again, the fishing didn't go so great so we went and let the kids play while we waited for our FREE snow-cones... it was well worth the wait and another fun night.


 Day 3:
One of my FAVORITES! The mini rodeo where little kids ride the sheep and calf's, super fun, except when the wind picked up and started blowing dirt all around, luckily it was right when the half time mayor candy race was just ending and Zayne was still able to participate in that and get himself some candy

Day 4:
This day was jam packed with the fun started by taking Zayne to his FIRST parade (ya, I know, I kinda suck, but I REFUSE to take him to a jam packed parade every year where he has the chance of getting snatched up in the crowed...paranoid much? ya.)

...Then later that day I took Zayne to the Firemans Spray Down, first time they did this, and it was fun except for the fact that the foam they sprayed for the kids left their hair smelling funny...for a few days... so hopefully next year they just do water!

.....THEN later that evening it was music in the park and fireworks! Zayne got himself a light saber, and pulled out some dance moves that were amazing..but sadly enough looked like something I would do...not a good thing! Then it was the fireworks....ALWAYS my favorite and Lindon did not dissapoint, honestly the BEST fireworks show I have EVER seen! Beautiful.


Always a fun night! Can't wait until next year!