Tuesday, December 11, 2012

:: Silly boy ::

 I am just in LOVE with this little guy. He is so funny and sometimes a little dorky (much like his momma), but even in his dorkiest moments he is still one handsome dude!

He 'needed' a picture with Simba and Nali (as he calls her) before school one morning
Side note: How handsome is he?!?!

 After his Thanksgiving Feast party at school....Look at that face! So funny!

 Guessing this is him holding a sword or something... who really knows?!

I just love his preschool he goes to and his teacher, Miss. Misti. She is so sweet and does so many fun things with the kids, Zayne LOVES her, and really loves going to school (except those occasional 'i didn't get enough sleep last night' mornings). I can't wait to see his Christmas play next week, believe me, pictures to come!

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