Tuesday, December 11, 2012

{{ Date Night with Mommy }}

 Last week I took Zayne on a date! I picked him up right after i got out of school and took him down to the Riverwoods to see the lights. We stopped in at Courtney's work and go a pizza, Z snapped a few pictures, then we headed out to see the light and say hello to his good friend Santa.

Great picture taken by Z of mommy NOM-NOM-NOM-ing

 Big Christmas tree Z had to have his picture by... freakin' stud.

 Zayne and Mommy in front of green lights (because they are his favorite color-duh!)
Don't mind my face, I look like crud..

 Pre-Santa pictures... his was one excited dude

 Us just before his turn to see Santa

After visiting Santa we went into the toy store Bickenstaffs and looked around for a long time, I broke down and bought Zayne a gift (even though it is so close to Christmas), but he deserved something for being such a good kid. He chose handcuffs, wanted to be called Officer Laidler, and I was Officer Laidler, and Aunty was Officer Laidler--I told him that could make things difficult when being called somewhere. To end the night we went to the Rocky Mountain Candy place and bought chocolate covered Oreos... they were so good!

It was a very fun night, and I had a blast on my date with my 
#1 boy

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