Monday, October 29, 2012

{{ The 'Crews' 4th Birthday Party }}

 This year we had the usual group party in Sept. It was a good choice! It was a BEAUTIFUL (just like our cute kiddos!) warm day and all the kids had a blast. It was a simple party, we told the kiddo's 'go play on the playground' and that was about it except for some cool things Shauntelle brought for the kids to do, bubbles, chalk, and a VERY cool baking soda and colored vinegar coloring thing. It was a really fun day, hence why there aren't really a ton of pictures....
 Shauntelle with the kids doing bubbles... little kids LOVE bubbles

 We had Millie, Havyn and Zayne run races... I will end with that...

 A few pictures of the birthday kiddos before/during singing 'Happy Birthday' to them

 Then it was pinata time!
 After Kamdyn broke the pinata open!

 Present time, always a CRAZY time! 3 Kids, ripping open presents...was crazy as usual, so there are not pictures after they stared opening the first present!
 Love that Zayne has had such great friends for so long, and that they are so close in age/birthdays that we can do joint birthday parties!

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