::Thought I should write down a few things that make me smile about being Zaynes mommy::
1) When I say I love you Zayne says back "Love you mommy!"
2) I then reply I love you more! Zayne replies "More too!" and this will go on and on for as long as I keep it up =)
3) Whenever he gets hurt he always runs up to me and tells me to "kiss it" to make it better...then after I kiss his owie he immediately stops crying and say "Dank you mommy!" and runs off.
4) His new thing is that everything is to "Hard"... Me: Go get yourself a snack...Zayne: To hard (then I go see and the fruit snacks were to high for him to reach) // Me: Carry this inside for mommy please...Zayne: Can't to hard // it gets annoying sometimes, but mainly it is cute!
5) I love listening to him sing the "SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS" theme song... beyond cute!
6) How when he sees pictures of himself or video of himself he laughs outloud pointing at "Zayne" , He thinks he is so funny!
7) When he gets playing pretend he goes all out, the other night he would act like he was falling off the bed yelling "CARE ME!" Which means SCARE ME! And he does it ALL the time!
8) I LOVE giving him a basket of all the toys he drags downstairs from his room and telling him to clean his room and put everything away, and to sit there and watch him know where EVERYTHING goes just makes me smile and giggle to myself at how big he is getting. He LOVES having his own room.
9) He loves robots and gets so happy every time he sees one on tv or anywhere. There is a robot on a workout machine on State Street in Orem and every time we drive by I tell him to look at the robot, and he smiles as he keeps his eye on it saying "bobot!"
10) Zayne plays SO good with other kids! I absolutely love taking him to play with new kids or old friends and watching them play together, Zayne loves playing with them trying to do what the older kids do, it is so nice to know he is good at getting along with kids and making new friends.
There are so many more things that I love about being his mommy, I get so stressed sometimes with him that it is good to always remember the things that make me smile he does to counteract the things that make me pull my hair out...

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