Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Day #2: The battle continues

Day 2 of potty training when SO much better than the 1st day. Zayne had a way better attitude and had more fun with it. He did really good at making it to the potty, and even went poop 1.5 times (don't ask about the other 1.5 times) All and all it was a good day there were accidents of course but definitely not the stress from day one. Before we started the potty training I let Zayne pick out his underwear and he picked Spongebob, Diego, and Wonderpets pack. It is funny though cause he wants be be able to see the pic on the underwear so he insist on wearing them backwards. But hey, at least he is wearing them! So far Day 3 is going really good. I will update tomorrow once I see how the WHOLE day goes =)

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