Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Farm Day

Since Kyson, my friend Melanie's son, had Monday off from school we decided to take the boys to the Farm at Thanksgiving Point.... Zayne and Kyson are such good buddies and have a BLAST when they play together... It is so fun to watch them play, considering Melanie and I go WAY back. Here are a few pics I took. ENJOY...

Zayne didn't like feeding the horses, he didn't like the way the animals tongue felt on his hand so he would just throw the corn at them instead. He is so funny sometimes.

Showing me the corn he is about to throw at the Llamas...

Kyson and Zayne on a FAKE sheep.... Cute pic huh?

Zayne riding his 1st Horse EVER!

Looks happy huh? Only seconds after I took this he freaked out wanting down... He is so weird at times.... But I LOVE him!

It is so fun doing things with Kyson and Melanie...

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