Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Took Zayne up to the Discovery Gateway yesterday. Have been wanting to take him for quite a while and loved when Melanie said that since Kyson didn't have school Tuesday we should take them up for the day. It is such a fun place and I plan on taking Zayne again this winter. They have so many fun things for all the kids. So here are some pictures I took...

Zayne had such a good time, he was smiling the whole time. On the car ride home he was out within the first 15 min. And slept for at least 2 hrs. It wore him out! And another BIG thanks to Melanie and Kyson for showing us such a fun day!

1 comment:

  1. Cute boy and cute pictures! I love that place! There are so many fun and and interesting things to do for small and big kids. :-)
