A few weeks back we had our family fly in from Florida. It was
SO great to finally meet them. We stayed in Park City for most of the trip.....So here are some picks from that..

Danielle, Cayden & Cory (Big Brother) at the bowling ally..
Cayden & Zayne hit if off right from the start =)

They were so cute watching, Shrek, I think... We walked in and found them like this....

Danielle bought the boys matching shirts... They were so cute in them. We went down to get both the boys hair cuts since it was a special where the cuts were only $5.99

Me, Zayne, Cayden & Cory at the bowling ally...

Zayne kicks up his leg after he pushes the ball down the ramp... such a pro

Cayden doing his booty dance after pushing his ball down the ramp... SO ADORABLE!

A picture of the WHOLE family--Danielle, Cory, Dad, Mom, Ben, Me, Courtney, Cayden and Zayne

Just the kids....Cory, Me, Courtney and Ben
It was so
AMAZING to meet them finally...We miss you guys
SO much!
Thanks for coming! We are glad you had a great time, share the fun things you did with others on our Facebook page, www.facebook.com/parkcityUT