Friday, August 10, 2012

{{ South Dakota }}

On our way to South Dakota there was a flatbed roll over and we were stuck in traffic for about 45 min. way better than when it first happened and word was (from our new semi-truck driver) that it would be 2 hours! Zayne and my mom of course made friends while walking around... not surprising at all if you know my mom!

 Finally after staying awake from 5 am until 1 pm while driving he FINALLY FINALLY fell asleep! My mom and I were so happy because he made sure he TALKED the whole time he was awake. He is an awesome traveler and did really good on such a long 2 day drive, but he did talk A LOT!
Once we got to the hotel the first night. He was so happy and made sure to let us know! He told us: "This place is great! I love it here. I got popcorn, I got chocolate cake and I got to go swimming!"

 At Wall Drug we stopped to shop around and see the T-rex..Zayne was a lil scared =)                                        Waiting for T-Rex to 'feed'

 Once T-Rex finally woke up and started looking for food.... Zayne got scared, even though he wouldn't admit it!
At Wall Drug

 At Wall Drug getting his fortune told

 Zayne had way to much energy for my grandparents small of a house so we walked down to the park and played. On the way back I felt something slimey hit my leg and turned around to see a frog! Z thought is was cool, but was not going to even try to touch it!

 My mom and her sister Audra at the Scoreboard eating dinner. Cory in the background

At dinner with everyone, these 2 boys were a HANDFUL. Garret it my moms friends grandson, and he is the same age as Zayne. They were having so much fun and everyone thought they looked like twins it was  funny!

Uncle Cory, and cousins Cole, Chloe and Chloes boyfriend MC

Cousin Cody and I

Zayne doing a happy dance because Cole gave him a dollar!

The 'Trouble Boys' 

Playing pool after dinner


Zayne and Jimmy , the owner of the Scoreboard where we ate that night

Hanging out at the house, watching the Olymics

4 Generations: My Grandma, Mom, Me and Zayne

My Mom, Zayne, Grandpa and Me

Zayne and his Great-Grandpa

Mommy and Zayne

Zayne snapped this picture of Great-Grandma

Zayne took this picture of Great-Grandpa

These pictures were taken is Lusk at a drive up restaurant that we stopped at. FUN FACT:: When I was a baby and went to South Dakota with my parents and Grandparents we stopped in this same place. So I  HAD to snap pics of Zayne there on his first trip out to meet his Great Grandparents.

It was a great trip out and am glad Zayne finally was able to meet his Great Grandparents in South Dakota!

1 comment:

  1. I am glad that Im not the only one with a 3 yr old that doesn't stop talking! :) Looks like a fun trip!
