Wednesday, August 22, 2012

{{ 1st Day of Preschool }}

Today was Zayne's first day back at preschool. He was all stoked to go and not scared at all! When I pulled up to his school he said, "hey this is where I go to school!" He recognized it from his open house the week before which was great. Then I went to let him out of the back seat and was informed, "Mom, don't walk me to the door, I got this!" He is a hoot, and growing up so fast. He had a great first day and told me that he learned when you kiss someones hand it goes straight to their heart, so they had a piece of paper for me to trace my hand on so if he misses me while at school he can kiss it and it will be like I am there....FREAKIN' CUTE! He also told me about how they all sat in a circle and he stood up and said, "Hi, I am Zayne" then everyone said, "Hi, Zayne!" He had a great first day, I am excited for all the fun things he is going to learn this year, he loves his teacher and that is AWESOME!

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