Thursday, July 5, 2012

*~* July 4th *~*

The 4th was fun this year, started with Z getting decked out in his 4th of July ::Red::Whilte::Blue clothes and posing for a pic with a flag.

 Then we went with our friends the Graberts and Dumas' to Grannys in Heber for ice cream and fries, I didn't take any pictures while there but snapped a few before we left.

 Later that day we headed back to our friends for a BBQ and fireworks, it was a blast and Z had a lot of fun!

 Zayne with his parachute from the first firework of the night!

 Watching the firework blast off waiting to see where the parachute goes!

 Z playing telephone with Len

 Sammy & Zayne throwing poppers

 The kids picking what firework to do next

 Watching fireworks 

This is Zayne covering his friends dolls eyes so she wouldn't get scared of the cute

Last but not least, a sparkler!

Hope everyone had a fun and safe holiday!

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