Thursday, July 12, 2012

{{ Aquarium }}

  Yesterday we went to the Living Planet Aquarium with our friends. They had never been, and they loved it. Don't mind my ghetto look I have going, I didn't get ready this day really lol

My lil' poser...

He is such a freaking stud!

 So I took this picture (and 2 more) and got informed by a worker that flash photography was not allowed with the octopus because it can damage his sensitive eyes... needless to say I feel horrible and think about how bad I feel constantly. I do hope they can perhaps put up bigger signs so that people like me can actually see it and not be a complete butt like I was! Sorry Mr. Octopus!

 The jellyfish!
 Zayne said these were his favorite! Just like his mom!

 All the kids that went

 Zayne and the Otters! Love this pic!

Me and my bestest lil' buddy by the Rainbow Trout...Just like Zayne set the hook on a few weeks ago!

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