Thursday, August 4, 2011

Only a few weeks left...

SUMMER!!!! Where have you gone?! I can't believe it is already almost time for school to start, I am excited but dreading school starting... for the pure reason that once school starts a horrible thing follows...WINTER! Ugh... I am not a fan of freezing my butt off.

I am really excited to start school back up again, summer was a nice break, but it is now time to get back to it. I am taking Sociology of the Family and Humanities of the Arts this semester. So I hope I like both these classes and teachers. I enrolled Zayne in Pre-School this year. It is only 1 day a week, for 2 hrs, so it shouldn't be too bad. I think he will really love it. I am STOKED that he will also be participating in a Christmas program and Spring program while there. I am excited to see him be in those.

But honestly...

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