Saturday, August 27, 2011

1 Fish-- 2Fish-- Red Fish-- Zayne Fish

Zayne has become quite the swimmer this summer, it is so fun to watch him and how much he enjoys playing in the pool. Once he learned that when you wear a life jacket you can't sink he began to really have fun. All summer we have gone swimming with my friend Sam and her kids, Zayne honorary cousins: Sammy, Aysa, Andrew and Seth. Zayne loves playing with those kids all day everyday. He loves to jump in and sometimes karate chop on the way in. His new thing to do is fall in backwards or even DIVE in... it is so funny watching him watch the other kids and want to do EXACTLY how they do. We will continue to go to the pool this winter so he doesn't lose how far he has come in his swimming abilities. I LOVE my lil' swimmer...

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