Saturday, August 27, 2011

Pre-School...1st Day

The 26th was Zaynes 1st day of preschool. He is only going 1 day a week for 2 1/2 hrs. And he seems to love it.

When we woke up on Friday I told him he was going to school, after getting dressed and all the jazz of getting ready we took some pictures and he just seemed older that day, he was into posing for pics and all goofy.
(When we school clothes shopping Zayne wanted this shirt so bad, so I had to buy it for him. Then when I asked what he wanted to wear to school he was quick to pick that shirt. He loves Tom & Jerry it is so funny)

When we got to the school I wondered if he was going to freak was the exact opposite! He ran in and started playing with some of the kids on the floor, I met his teacher and then Zayne made a run for it! But he didn't want to leave he wanted to go play in the gym, I explained to him that he would go there after he played in the classroom for a while. I then went to pay the tuition and as I was paying I heard his teacher telling some kid that "we don't eat the playdough, it taste sick huh?" And how did I know that was my pride and joy =) Just a few minutes later right before I left he ran out to tell me he ate playdough, but then just went back to the classroom. He is so good at being open to new situations like that, it is awesome. Now me on the other hand though I was doing great, enjoying watching Regis and Kelly instead of Spongebob that morning...then it hit me, I was BORED! I missed my sidekick and I started to tear up...I don't know what I will do when he is in school full time! Lucky for me that is a few years away. All and all he did awesome and really enjoyed his first day of school...
I love my son..nuff said!

1 Fish-- 2Fish-- Red Fish-- Zayne Fish

Zayne has become quite the swimmer this summer, it is so fun to watch him and how much he enjoys playing in the pool. Once he learned that when you wear a life jacket you can't sink he began to really have fun. All summer we have gone swimming with my friend Sam and her kids, Zayne honorary cousins: Sammy, Aysa, Andrew and Seth. Zayne loves playing with those kids all day everyday. He loves to jump in and sometimes karate chop on the way in. His new thing to do is fall in backwards or even DIVE in... it is so funny watching him watch the other kids and want to do EXACTLY how they do. We will continue to go to the pool this winter so he doesn't lose how far he has come in his swimming abilities. I LOVE my lil' swimmer...

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Patrick, Patrick & Patrick

So Saturday night Zayne got a little gift on the doorstep...a cute lil' Goldfish. So Zayne decided to name him Patrick. I decided that after church we would go buy some Goldfish food and some friends for Patrick. Once we got them all in the bowl I asked Zayne what he wanted to name them...surprise! He named them BOTH Patrick. Well just 4 hrs. after buying the second 2, Patrick the III died...The next morning we found Patrick II died... and upon waking up today we found Patrick DEAD... Ugh damn Goldfish. But the cutest thing was after each fish died he would say "Patrick died" in the cutest way. Next time we do a fish we will buy a tank, and put cute fish that don't have a life span of a few days!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Only a few weeks left...

SUMMER!!!! Where have you gone?! I can't believe it is already almost time for school to start, I am excited but dreading school starting... for the pure reason that once school starts a horrible thing follows...WINTER! Ugh... I am not a fan of freezing my butt off.

I am really excited to start school back up again, summer was a nice break, but it is now time to get back to it. I am taking Sociology of the Family and Humanities of the Arts this semester. So I hope I like both these classes and teachers. I enrolled Zayne in Pre-School this year. It is only 1 day a week, for 2 hrs, so it shouldn't be too bad. I think he will really love it. I am STOKED that he will also be participating in a Christmas program and Spring program while there. I am excited to see him be in those.

But honestly...