Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Oh the joys....

I remember just a few weeks ago thinking to myself, "I can't wait til Zayne starts talking more, and can tell me what he wants..." Boy what was I thinking?!?! I now here the word NO over and over again each day, but it isn't the nice polite no, it is the yelling NO! Zayne is getting such a personality/attitude... can't decide how I feel about this quite yet, hee hee.

It amazes me how much he changes week to week... one week he is barely talking, the next week he is throwing out sentences. One week he is a kind gentle little boy, the next week he is growling and yelling No constantly. I swear I blink and my baby is gone and my toddler is throwing fruit snacks across the room at my head. He still has his cuddly times where he remembers he is my little man, and I adore those times. My heart melts every time I am just sitting there and he walks up to me and kisses me on the cheek, or my forehead, or when he grabs my face and kisses me on the lips and yells "I LAU!" (I love you).

I have decided to start potty training him on Friday.... LET THE FUN BEGIN! haha. I think about how nice it will be when he is potty trained but I also find my heart ache at that part of him being a baby also being gone.. what is next?!?! So I will make sure and let you all know how this goes haha.

Guess I just need to come to grips with the fact that my baby can't be a baby forever, but no matter how old he gets he will ALWAYS be MY baby!

(Oh and I will post Christmas pics soon, my Grandma has most the pics on her camera so I am going to see if she can e-mail them to me)

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