Monday, December 13, 2010

Doctor Check-Up

Zayne had his 2 yr check-up a couple of days ago and I am just finally getting a min to post his new stats... so here they are...

Weight: 25.4lbs.
Height: 33.5 inch.
Head: 18.75 inch.

He is finally in the 12th percentile in his height and his weight is up to the 10th! =) He is getting so big.. but he is still tiny....

He finally has started popping out words like a pro.... and he said his 1st 3 word sentence.... More milk PLEASE! Ya that is right his first sentence had a please in it! Gotta love my polite little man.. he is getting so grown up. He is so ready to potty train it isn't funny. He loves to sit on the toilet and just chill, when he is "done" he takes toilet paper and shoves it in the toilet... I think Christmas will bring him a potty so he can master his goal... Can't believe my tiny baby is getting so big, I started to cry last night thinking about how fast time is going, before I know it he will be going off to preschool, then kindergarten, then the next thing you know he will be driving, graduating and starting his own family.... I love being a mom, but hate how fast time is going! I wish he would stay this little forever....*tear*

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