Day 1 started off a little rough, not because he didn't know what to do or he went all over; it was for the pure and simple fact that he woke up on the wrong side of the bed. He usually LOVES sitting on the potty, but that morning he was off it. He got annoyed when I put books in the bathroom for him to look at while on the potty. So I put it off for a few hours and looked on the internet for creative ideas to help start the process.
I found a website that said to get a doll they like and ask the kid to show the doll what to do and get excited when the doll uses the potty. So I grabbed Mickey and put big boy underwear on him and did my BEST Mickey voice I could and told Zayne: "Mickey needs to go potty, but doesn't know what to do. Can you show him? He is scared." Well that was it, Zayne showed Mickey where to sit and how to pull down his underwear. After the Zayne was all for the potty.
He went 7 times in the potty that day. The weird thing is, when he has big boy underwear on or pants he has accidents, but when he is "Free Balling" it he makes it EVERY TIME.
Anyone that knows Zayne knows he has an obsession with shoes and wearing them CONSTANTLY! So I snuck a pic of watching t.v, with 2 shirts on, no pants and his snow boots on.