Sunday, April 18, 2010

sKiNed ElBoW

So Zayne went on a walk with his Grandma and I decided to join them so I started running towards them from behind and Zayne looked back and lost his balance, resulting in his first big owie... poor kid....

Luckly he walked it off like a big boys and continued on with his day....Don't ya just love this picture...

Thursday, April 15, 2010

18-month Check-up

Zayne had his doctors appt. today. And surprise surprise he is still small, haha. He was so cute waiting in the waiting area to get called back, he loved all the kids, he is mainly a flirt with all the girls, looking at them and giving them one of his huge, cute, amazing smiles. It is so funny. Here are his stats as of today....

Weight: 21.0 lbs. (3rd percential--basically 3% of kids his age are smaller than him)
Height: 31.5 inches ( 30th percential)
Head: 46.5 cm (17the Percential)

He is still tiny but yet he is so big. He is so funny. He sings the Lady Gaga song that starts out--ra ra ra ra ra--- thats all he sings but that is what he is singing, so funny. He also follows directions relatively well, you can say "Take this to Grandma" and he will, but he has a hard time understanding the word "NO", or maybe he just refuses to acknowledge it.... He is learning new things everyday, he thinks that everytime someone goes into the bathroom it is time for him to brush his teeth, he gets mad if you don't let him.

Can't believe how much he is learning each day!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Playin' like a boy in the April SUN!

It was FINALLY a nice day outside, so we spent ALL day outside playing. Zayne is all boy, loves playin in the dirt, with rocks, and sticks. I can't wait until this summer!!! Here are a few pictures of today, my camera died and I don't have any extra batteries on hand so..... enjoy!
Ya like his dorky face... caught him mid-blink...

How handsome does he look in this picture? Seriously?!?!

And here is a short video of him playin...

Monday, April 5, 2010

Sad sad day....

Today my little boy turns 18 months, I am moderatly depressed! Can't believe he is growing up so fast, he will be 2 soon! I can't believe it! It feels like just yesterday I brought him home and layed in bed next to him watching him sleep thinking to myself, " Wow! I grew him in my belly, he is mine, he is perfect!" He is still my little baby, he always will be. I am so blessed to have him in my life, he makes everyday fun, and always keeps things entertaining. I LOVE him more than ANYTHING in this world. I LOVE YOU ZAYNE!!!

(Like his bed hair???)

Easter Day....

Zayne loves looking for easter eggs, my camera didn't take such great pictures that morning, but this one turned out great, so here is a picture of him doing his egg hunt. After the Easter egg hunt we went and checked out what the Easter bunny brought, Zayne scored, he got a new outfit, some new toy cars, a dinosaur, a play sword, some new crayons and paint things (they are ball shaped so it is easier for babies/kids to use), a bubble blowing gun, and the "Alvin and the Chipmunks" movie. After that I made chocolate chip pancakes shaped like the Easter bunny for him. Then we watched the movie, which he sat and watched to whole time, and danced at all the song parts, so fun! Later that day my parents watched Zayne as Courtney and I went and saw "Hot Tub Time Machine", it was pretty funny. Then came home and played in the backyard with Zayne for a long time, he ate some dirt and rocks, it was a good time. After dinner I took Zayne on a walk around the block since he was begging to go outside again. All in all it was a great Easter, I love Holidays with family.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Huntin' for eggs....and Coloring eggs...... WHAT A WEEK!

Yesterday Zayne and I colored EASTER EGGS! It was fun this year cause he was old enough to help (well as much as an 18 month old can!). Right before we were gonna start coloring them I remembered that I needed to boil the eggs! Haha! I totally forgot. So once I got them boiled and cooled down we started the process.... I did the first few and showed Z the main idea, drop the egg in and let mama do the rest! This is my favorite picture of the whole day! He looks so cute watching over his eggs coloring....The first egg I let him drop in by himself, he did so good at it, was gentle and careful, so damn cute!
Then he is checking the final product, making sure it is up to Zaynes standards....

Zayne went to the Annual Easter egg hunt this year down at the Lindon Park, he had a blast! I had practiced with him a few days before the hunt downstairs. I would hide a bunch of eggs and have him find them and put them in a basket as fast as he could, it was fun! Here are some pictures from that day and a video of him doing his hunting and bumping into his old friend Gabe, who is like 2 or 3 weeks younger than Zayne, so cute!

I plan on updating again tomorrow after the Easter bunny comes so we can show off what Z got and him hunting for the eggs the Easter bunny left! I am so excited to be able to be home with him on Easter, cause who knows how many holidays I might have to work on pretty soon, so I gotta savor the moments I have now.... I love my little man!