Thursday, June 21, 2012

:: Sugar High ::

Today we went to the park up in Highland/Alpine and then hit up the Peppermint Place (candy shop) with my friend Sam and her kids, and another friend of the kids' Izzy. It was super fun and another fun time, like usual.

 Aysa::Zayne::Izzy::Andrew on the purple Dino at the park, which is a new addition to the park they completly re-did.

 Zayne drinking his milk after running around... 

 Izzy and Andrew...Aysa in the back

 Climbing up the slide

 All the kids--Zayne::Seth::Andrew::Izzy::Aysa



 Then we went to the Peppermint Place....
After the Candy shop...The kiddos getting all jacked up on sugar!!!!!

Fun day!!!

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