Wednesday, June 27, 2012

:: Prize Fishin' ::

Today I wanted to do something fun and different with Zayne and Havyn while I was babysitting. So I decided to take them FISHIN'... but not really fishing...PRIZE FISHIN'! It was a big hit they had a blast making their own Huck Finn fishing poles and fishing for cool prizes... Will prob do this again for sure, just need to stock up on prizes.
 :: Got our sticks for making their poles ::

:: Havyn and her finished pole ::

 :: Zayne and his finished pole ::

 :: The kids fishin' ::

 :: Zayne and his prizes-fruit roll up, 2 tattoos, kaleidoscope, sweatband, and light up necklace ::

:: Havyn and her prizes- fruit roll up, 2 tattoos, bracelet, sweatband, and jingle bell ::

:: Waterfalls ::

The other day Zayne and I went up Provo Canyon to the waterfalls with my friend Sam and her kids. It was really fun and I had never been up there, needless to say it is one of my new favorite spots!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

:: Sugar High ::

Today we went to the park up in Highland/Alpine and then hit up the Peppermint Place (candy shop) with my friend Sam and her kids, and another friend of the kids' Izzy. It was super fun and another fun time, like usual.

 Aysa::Zayne::Izzy::Andrew on the purple Dino at the park, which is a new addition to the park they completly re-did.

 Zayne drinking his milk after running around... 

 Izzy and Andrew...Aysa in the back

 Climbing up the slide

 All the kids--Zayne::Seth::Andrew::Izzy::Aysa



 Then we went to the Peppermint Place....
After the Candy shop...The kiddos getting all jacked up on sugar!!!!!

Fun day!!!

:: Being Silly ::

Havyns pose is the best!

This is the best one by far... silly kids...

Zayne and his friend Havyn are so silly together(he calls her is GIRLFRIEND and she calls him her PRINCE! These 2 are BEYOND CUTE!). I have been watching Havyn for a few hours every week and Zayne has loved having her around. I took these pictures the other day after they ate their lunch (ate all of it surprisingly) so I rewarded them with an ice cream cone. I told them to pose and this is what I got...they are total cheese balls! 

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


May take a min to read what this says, but if you look you can see a  Z A Y N E... yup he wrote his name finally and it is actually legible. I love the way the N is backwards, and how the Y is so small, adds character! I told him once he learned to write his own name I would take him to see a horse... So guess it is time to stick to that! I will post that day for sure!

{ End of School Party! }


 The hat he made (sorry it is sideways)

 Riding in the train (he was SO excited about this!)

 Parachute time!

Zayne had an end of school party with his fellow school mates from My Smart World. It was really fun, even though Zayne was a little shy and in a mood, that day it was still fun to watch him.