Monday, July 25, 2011

2nd Annual Backyard Campout

Last week Zayne and I camped out in the backyard. It was SO fun. I tried this last year with him and he freaked out at the thought of sleeping outside. But this year he was ALL about it! We went out and put the tent up and Zayne LOVED once it was set up. He unzipped and zipped it back up, over and over and over. For dinner we cooked corn on the cob and hot dogs... Zayne was all excited to tear into the corn, it is always so cute seeing little kids eating corn on the cob. After dinner we just hung out and played outside until it got dark. Once it was dark we cooked S'mores on the Grill with these new marshmallows made ESPECIALLY for S'mores...THEY WERE DELICIOUS! Since that night I have made one each night for myself! Thank goodness we finally ran out of chocolate to put on or I would be putting on pounds like no other! So after finishing the S'mores I got Zaynes portable DVD player in the tent and we got all comfy and cozy. Zayne thought it was so cool, and I loved seeing him loving it. I have been so anxious for him to get old enough to enjoy camping out with me, and this year it happened. I always loved camping out in the backyard with my brother and sister and couldn't wait to show Z how fun it is. I didn't take many pics since I was so focused on just enjoying this time with my family and FAVORITE lil' boy, but I did take one pic with my phone just before we fell asleep... (sorry it is hard to see)I can't wait to continue to do this EVERY summer with him...until he finds me to be not cool =)

Monday, July 18, 2011

*Birthday Party*

I can't describe how excited I was when Zayne was invited to his first birthday party for his friend Izaak. Zayne and Izaak are friends in Nursery, and with Zayne, Izaak, and Gabe being the only boys in class I knew they had to be pretty close, to hold up against all the girls lol. I didn't take pics at the party (wish I would have) but it was really cute. They had treats, and a bounce house that all the kids loved. I will never forget this party, it was fun for the kids and fun for the parents to watch. We even ditched swimming lessons that day so we could attend the party. Here are a few pics I took of Z before we left to go to the party....My favorite pic

Sa-Sa-Sa-Swimming Lessons

Zayne did swimming lessons this year and he did really good. They went from July 5-15 and we had a lot of fun doing them. Zayne took a while getting used to the whole fact that it wasn't a free swim kind of thing, it was a class. And even then he still had moments of breakdowns haha. Zayne's Best Friend Gabe was also in the class so that made it really fun for both of the boys. We would ride down with them each morning and that was really fun for the boys, they are so funny together, but trouble too! I can't count how many times the boys started off running and me & Lindsey would have to take off to catch them...ugh got old real fast lol.

Zayne never liked to jump to me in the pool, but after the first day of it he was a pro. He was a long jumper at it too. I swear each jump he would jump farther and farther out. I was halfway across the pool area by the end I swear!After jumping out to me I would have him kick back, he got really good at his "swimming". He had a few thing he didn't like in swimming lessons: Splashing (hated when it would hit his face), floating on his back (sun in his eyes=cranky), and blowing bubbles. The blowing bubbles thing was a day to day thing. One day he would do it great, and the next he wouldn't do it, not for nothing! He would get the maddest though when we would sing Ring-a-round-the-rosie...cause when it came to the "all fall down" part we would blow in their face and dunk them...ooooeee he would get so mad...comes back to water in his eyes. But by the last day he was all good with it

On the last day of class we got have slide day, by far Zayne's favorite day. He LOVES going down the big yellow slide, but he HATES going down the little kiddie pool slides
(I don't get it).
After the end of class that day he got his certificate and a candy. He was so cute with it. I love this pic of Zayne and Gabe with their certificates and candy.... Priceless

It says: Zayne is way good at everything. He only needs to work on blowing his bubbles =)

Friday, July 1, 2011

A day at the zoo...wait are we the animals?

Yesterday Zayne and I went to the Zoo with my friend Nate and his 3 kids, David, Sienna, and Dylan (Dylan is the boy I babysat this past year)....It was really fun, they had the Dino's there right now and Zayne loved it, a few of the dino's scared him, but mostly he loved 'em. It was a great day, great company, and GREAT memories made =)

Here are some pics of the day...


(With T-Rex)



(On the train)



(The classic lion drinking fountain photo)



We will definitely go again!