Sunday, January 2, 2011

Potty Training: DAY 2 & DAY 4

Day 2 of potty training went really good. He only had 2 accidents all day! He also went #2 in his potty! I was so proud I took a pic on my phone and sent it to family so that I could "brag"... haha.. is that weird? I don't think so! Worst part of the day was when I left for 20 min and came home to find Grandma and Grandpa had put a diaper back on him cause he pee'd on the kitchen floor... tisk tisk!

Day 4 was today (Sunday) he was very reluctant to peeing in the potty this morning and I wasn't going to send him to Church without a diaper so he used one most of the day. At like 9:30 I let him try to use the potty and he just sat down and went. Tomorrow I am going full force with it again.

1 comment:

  1. How's the potty training going now? I haven't had internet the last few months so I'm trying to catch up with everything, LOL. Once we're FINALLY settled into our new apartment, I'm going to start potty training Ash. He'll be two on April 8th and he's had all the signs that he's ready for a couple of months now. Excited and not excited at the same time, LOL! :P
