Saturday, July 10, 2010

BaCk YaRd CaMp-OuT

Last night I did the 1st Annual Backyard Camp-out... it went..... pretty good. Here is me, super excited about the camp-out, and Zayne really into is coloring...

Me and Zayne put up the tent (ya I don't need a man to put up the tent for me, I got this single mommy thing down!) It was pretty easy and Zayne LOVED it! He thought it needed to be shot with the bubble gun a few times to break it in, lol, I LOVE him!

Here he is checking out the inside of the tent for the first time...

Then it was bubbles & S'mores time! He was more into the bubbles than the S'mores, oh well, pretty sure next year it will be the opposite.

Then he wanted to slide the night away! He slid down the slide a good 100 times, no joke. He got pretty daring and went down backwards, sideways, and even tried going down naked (he didn't like that way all to much.. friction can be a bitch, lol)

Once it started getting really dark he walked the grounds, he was loving the whole playing outside all night... until it got dark.....Sadly enough about the time we were gonna go to sleep I realized Zayne isn't to fond of the outside once it is dark (he must take after his mommy, I am scared of the dark outside, I think I may have watched to many UNSOLVED MYSTERIES as a kid and to many CSi's as an adult). Then it started to lightning, thunder, and rain.... so we had to move indoors.

Maybe next year we can pull off a whole night outside. All in all it was fun and I plan on doing it a lot more with my PRIDE AND JOY! Being a mommy is the BEST thing in the world. You get to do all the things you loved as a kid with you own child and see their face with all the smiles and laughs.


  1. Oh fun I am totally going to do this now thanks for the great idea your such a cute mommy and have cute fun ideas for him all the time!

  2. That is so cute! You are a great mom! I would have not lasted till dark. I to am scared of the dark.
