So I was laying in bed the other night just thinking about how much I love Zayne and I started thinking about how I am so lucky to have him. I was thinking about when I was in jail and I was due to get out soon so I asked for a blessing. I am not that religous but I knew I didn't want to get out of jail just to end up going back. I asked for a blessing to help me stay off drugs, to give me a reason to never go back. And just over a month later I became pregnant with Zayne. That was the answer to my prayers, a reason to stay clean. It can't just be a coinsidence, I know that God answered my prayers. He gave me the one thing he knew I would never hurt. Zayne was an answer to my prayers. And everyday he makes me smile, and sometimes makes me think I am about to go crazy. He tests me everyday. And everyday I come out on top, stronger than the day before. He gives me reason to wake up every morning and reason to work towards a better me. He is the reason I am who I am today. Without him who knows where I would be or what I would be doing. Just wanted to share this.

Yeah Britni I didn't know you had a blog so cute! Yes Yes I was talking about you on my post Thanks your great friend!