January has been such a fun month with Zayne. His personality is showing more and more each day. I love watching him grow and learn. It is amazing the things he picks up from us. Like everytime we take the gate down he runs to the couch where we usually lean it against and smacks it letting us know that is needs to be put there. I was getting his bath ready for him the other day and he knew it so he got under the bathroom sink grabbed his toys and threw them in the tub then went back and got his bubble bath and shampoo and threw them in too! He is amazing. And the all time best story of the week is when I was cleaning the kitchen and I look over and he is sitting on the floor with the Pancake syrup pouring it on the floor! The kid is sneaky! So I go grab the syrup and put it away, grab a wet rag to clean his hands and feet and pick up the syrup off the floor. So as I am cleaning up the syrup he comes hauling around the corner with a dish towel and sits down by me and starts scrubbing the floor. It was beyond adorable.
I am beyond in LOVE with this 20lb. little man. He is so much work and takes so much patience on some days to keep from freaking out but I would not change it for a thing!
Here are some pictures I have taken this past month...
Zayne walking around in his beanie and drinking his V8 Fusion... he loves that stuff, and best is it is a full serving of fruits and vegitables in each serving! You can't beat that!

A close up of him......

Zayners playing in his tent....


Close up!

Ha ha I love this picture. After I got him ready that morning he ran to the mirror and checked out his outfit and made smiles at himself... so cute. But I think I should be worried?

This is my Dad's favorite picture of him...

This is Zayne and his friend Havyn.. They have play-dates a few times a week. They are so cute together I could watch them play all day.

And last but not least these are the newest pair of shoes I bought Zayne. His first pair of Nikes.. I am so in love with them. Zayne likes the way they sound when he walks so he loves when I put them on so he can walk around the kitchen stomping!
I will try to keep up on updating the blog! Promise!