Today Zayne had his doctors appointment to get his shots. :( When we first got to the doctors office the receptionist got one look at him and came running over, she was in love. She held him the whole time we waited and talked to him telling us how cute he was (as if we didn't already know!). But as she was talking to us she told us about a baby that had came in earlier that day and told us how the babies limbs weren't going to grow, it was so sad to hear. She said the mother was a single mother, just like me, and it made me realize how lucky I am to have a happy and healthy baby. I don't know what I would do if I lost Zayne, so my heart goes out to that lady. Well after hearing that story we went in to see the doctor. Zayne now weights 11.5 pounds, and is 24 1/4 inches tall. He is getting so big! So when he was laying on the table he thought is was so funny to kick his feet onto the paper, he loved the noise it made. After the shots and crying for a minute he decided to take it like a man. I hate holding him down while they give him the shots, it breaks my heart. With him being 4 months old we can now feed him Rice Cereal. So we did, here are some pictures...

He must take after his grandpa