Never knew something so small could steal my heart so fast
He has also gotten really strong with his upper body, when he is on his stomach he can lift up the upper part of his body really well. Pretty soon he'll be crawling around and making me wish he wasn't. I tried feeding him formula tonight and he was acting like he was at a wine tasting. He'd swish it around his mouth and spit it out! Well here are some pictures of him and some video.....
I think he looks a lot like my mom in this picture....
He talks a lot more now too! It's funny cause he never stops! He is always making some kind of sound, here is a video I took of him today....
See, after a few days he got cuter!
Some December Pictures. He keeps getting cuter and cuter each day!
Happy New Year!
His hat he got for Christmas from Santa!
This picture was taken just moments ago. He's wearing his sweat band cause he is about to Get Physical!