Sunday, August 15, 2010

Lindon Days

Well this weekend was the Lindon Days.. always a fun time. Friday night we all headed over to the mutten busting, which is always fun, how can you not love watching little kids try and ride a sheep? Haha. Since it was a rodeo thing we of course put Zayne in Cowboy attire, boots, shorts and a plaid shirt. He was adorable! (As usual)
When did my little baby get so big?

A funny picture we took of Grandpa, Zayne and Woody in their cowboy boots and shorts... Lucky for us Grandpa didn't go out in public dressed like this!

Zayne has gotten quite attached to his Woody doll, it come a lot of places with us...

He loved the sheep and the cows, when the cows would walk by he would MOO at them.

The next night was the fireworks and live band... always my favorite.
The band was good and Zayne liked dancing to the music. Once the fireworks started Zayne laid down and just watched them all. I love the Lindon fireworks because you are so close they are right above you so you can just lay flat and enjoy them...


Thursday, August 5, 2010

KaNgArOo ZoO

Had SUCH a fun day today! Zayne and I met Emma and her son Jaymz at Kanagroo Zoo today so the boys could get some fun boy time in! Jaymz and Zayne met the 1st time at the Lindon pool kiddie pool, (Jaymz shared his pool toys with Zayne, instant bond!!) and kicked it off GREAT, so we had to get them together for another play-date. Unfortunately Jaymz had hurt his leg a few days before so he couldn't run and jump as much as he wanted. But him and Zayne played really good together. Emma and I worked up quite the sweat climbing up the HUGE slides with the boys on our backs... think it made us more tired than the boys! Ha Well here are some picture of the fun day.....